Top 18 top pharmaceutical companies in Portugal

Here, the top pharmaceutical companies in Portugal will be described with their contact addresses for easy access to these Portuguese pharmaceutical companies.

Portugal is one of the most awesome countries in Europe, a member of the European Union since 1986, and a founding member of the EURO currency.

Introduction to pharmaceutical companies in Portugal

Portugal is an open door to the European market (500 million people) and the Portuguese-speaking countries (260 million people).

The country leads a diversified set of sectors that inspire global companies to invest in Portugal and buy innovative products or solutions from the main Portuguese brands.

The country comes fourth in the majority of foreign languages ​​spoken with good knowledge of English, French, Spanish, and German.

In terms of the health system, Portugal has excellent professionals, modern equipment, and cutting-edge art indicators.

Quality is regularly assessed by an independent national regulator and there are a growing number of hospitals that are receiving international accreditation and the pharmaceutical companies in Portugal contribute to the development of the nation.

Top Pharmaceutical Companies in Portugal

We’ve researched the pharmaceutical companies in the country to compile a list of some of the most promising pharmaceutical companies in Portugal that everyone should know.

AbbVie Portugal

Address: Estrada Alfragide 67 Alfrapark, Edifício D, 2610-008 Amadora, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 190 8400

Website: visit

Actelion Pharmaceuticals Portugal Sociedade Unipessoal Lda

Address: Praça Marquês de Pombal 15, Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 358 6120

Website: visit here

Alimera Sciences Lda.

Address: Edif. 7 Mares, Av. Dom João II 20 1º, 1990-095 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 131 8912


Address: Rua da Quinta do Pinheiro 5 Apartado 666, 2791-901 Carnaxide, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 417 2121

Website: visit

Generis Pharmaceuticals SA

Address: R. João de Deus 19, 2700-489 Amadora, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 496 7120

Website: visit here

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Grifols Portugal

Address: Rua de S. Sebastião, 2 Zona Industrial, 2635-448 Rio de Mouro, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 925 5200

Website: click here

HELM Portugal Unipessoal, Lda

Address: Lagoas Park Edifício 8, Piso 2 Poente, 2740-268 Porto Salvo, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 994 8300

Website: visit here

Hovione Lumiar

Address: Campus do Lumiar, Edifício R, Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, 1649-038 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 982 9000

Website: visit


Address: 2710-446 Sintra, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 716 0320

Website: visit

Labatec Farmacêutica SA

Address: R. República da Coreia 20A, 2710-705 Sintra, Portugal

Website: click here

Lilly Portugal – Produtos Farmacêuticos

Address: Rua Galileu Galilei 2, 1500-392 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 412 6600

Website: Visit

Norgine Portugal

Address: Alameda dos Oceanos, 1990-235 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 895 2735

Website: visit here

Ocp Portugal-Produtos Farmacêuticos Sa

Address: R. do Barreiro 235, 4470-573 Moreira, Portugal

Phone: +351 22 940 9400

Website: visit here

Octapharma Productos Farmacêuticos Lda

Address: R. dos Lagares D’El-Rei 21 C, r/c dto, 1700-268 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 816 0820

Website: Visit

Omega Pharma Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda

Address: Lagoas Park Edificio 15 3º Piso Porto Salvo, 2740-262 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 416 7610

Website: click here

Sede das Farmácias Holon

Address: Portugal, R. Azedo Gneco 4, 2845-409 Amora, Portugal


Address: Rua dos Marceneiros N.º 2, 7800-009 Beja, Portugal

Phone: +351 937 019 487

Vifor Pharma

Address: R. Indústria 2, 2610-157 Amadora, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 470 8500

Website: visit here

Health Clusters in Portugal

Several research institutes across the country, together with health authorities, universities, hospitals, and the pharmaceutical industry, form the Health Cluster in Portugal, a platform based in the Porto region that aims to make Portugal a competitive player in research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of quality health products and services.

The Portuguese health industry is rooted in a dynamic of innovation and research. The Portuguese medical device and pharmaceutical industry has grown faster than the national average in recent years, with exports to countries such as the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Angola, Spain, and France increasing significantly. The value of Portuguese exports of goods from the health sector was 1,216 million euros, an increase of 94% compared to 2008.

This value includes exports of basic pharmaceutical products (104 million), pharmaceutical preparations (840 million), radiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic devices (12 million), and medical and dental instruments and consumables (260 million), excluding sales of e-health solutions and services.

Pharmaceutical Industry in Portugal

Portugal has a rich pharma ecosystem that is growing rapidly, although it has sometimes evolved compared to other countries in Europe.

These are the companies that are driving innovation in the country. In the last few years, the pharmaceutical industry has exploded in Portugal, with some great success stories.

Inspired by the growing creation of start-ups, most recently Lymphact, a company developing cancer therapy based on a type of immune cell called gamma delta T cells.

The technology was acquired by Gamma Delta Therapeutics in the UK last year for an undisclosed amount. It is called “the most successful pharmaceutical exit in Portugal”.

Rand D in the pharmaceutical industry

In the Global Competitiveness Index 2016/17 of the World Economic Forum, Portugal ranks 25th for the quality of its scientific research institutes. The Rand D ecosystem in Portugal is made up of the public and private sectors.

Also,  in 2015, the corporate sector was responsible for executing 46% of total RandD spending and hosted 11,785 researchers, while Portuguese higher education was responsible for the same percentage, despite having 25,045 researchers.

Rand D has grown by around 128% over the last 10 years and the number of scientific publications by Portuguese researchers (including co-publications with international institutions) followed this trend with an increase of 123% over the same period.

Ecosystem Rand D, supported by several scientific and technological institutions, is represented along the entire value chain of the health and pharmaceutical sector, including clinical studies. This ecosystem has its roots in a higher education system of recognized quality.

In line with Portugal’s strategic focus on innovation and knowledge, the country as a whole has many other centers of excellence in the life sciences such as the Institute for Pharmaceutical Research (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon); Champalimaud Neuroscience Program (D. Anna de Sommer Champalimaud and Dr. Carlos Montez (Champalimaud Foundation); iMM (Institute for Molecular Medicine); GHTM – Global Health and Tropical Medicine (Portuguese Institute for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine); National School of Public Health; Institute of Biomedicine (University of Aveiro); Biomedical Research Center (University of the Algarve); or the Center for Research in Health Sciences (University of Beira Interior).

Conclusion on the pharmaceutical companies in Portugal

Additionally, Portugal is a competent partner for RandD services and clinical trials, given the quality of its infrastructure and investments. friendly environment:

Portuguese companies are internationally recognized as providers of high-quality health products and services such as pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and other medical technologies that have high-quality standards and can design, manufacture and deliver services using a wide range of products with high flexibility.

There is also a consistent range of products from contract development and manufacturing organizations as well as manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients in the country.


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