41 top Pharmaceutical companies in Lebanon

Pharmaceutical companies in Lebanon have long been a small but important export industry.

Until recently, the country’s drug spending was among the highest in the Middle East, accounting for around 50% of total healthcare spending and around 3.5% of GDP.

The central bank’s recent inability to continue to subsidize all drug imports has meant that multiple economic shocks have combined with underlying market weaknesses, including a high reliance on domestic spending and poor supply chain management, to create a key critical juncture for the drug sector.

Unless the government quickly implements measures to gradually rationalize and phase out subsidies, the complete abolition of drug subsidies would exacerbate a chaotic environment in the drug market and deepen an already deep healthcare crisis.

Lebanon is considered a center for quality healthcare services in the Middle East due to its internationally accredited hospitals and talented doctors.

Lebanon’s emerging pharmaceutical market is leveraging its competitive advantages,  experiencing rapid growth, and becoming more competitive regionally and globally.

Opportunities exist to develop over-the-counter (OTC), generic and proprietary drug manufacturing under license from international companies.

Pharmaceutical Companies in Lebanon

Here is a detailed and organized list of some of the pharmaceutical companies operating in Lebanon:

Abbott Laboratories

Website: Visit

Address: Nohra Center – 5th-7th  floor Tahwitat El-Naher, Furn El-Chebbak Beirut, Lebanon

Telephone: (961 1) 490 330

Fax: (961 1) 490 320

Alam Holding

Website: Visit

Address: 2nd Floor, Shawkatli Bldg, Downtown Beirut, Lebanon.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +961 1 568 122/3


Address: Alfa Laboratories Building Property Number 68 Keserwan, 1103–2010 Lebanon

Phone: +961-9235490

Sales: $11.31 million

Year Started: 1972

Incorporated: 1988


Address: Algorithm Building Property Number 18, Off-Highway Street Keserwan Lebanon

Phone: +961-9222050

Website: Visit

Sales: $800.00 million

Year Started: 1968

Incorporated: 1968


Website: Visit

Address: Envirolink S.A.R.L, Antonine Building, Block AB Al jamous Street، Beirut، Lebanon

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Phone: +961 5 465 222 | +961 5 465 222 | +961 5 465 333

Arwan Pharmaceutical Industries Lebanon s.a.l.

Website: Visit

Address: Jadra, Al-Chouf, Lebanon

Tel: 00961 7 996 002/3

P.O Box: 613 – Saida

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +972 73 222 6099

Fax: +972 (9) 740 6527

Address: Parc،, Beirut, Lebanon


Address: Victoria Tower Corniche Du Fleuve Avenue Beirut Lebanon

Phone: +961-1424511

Sales: $3.23 million

Year Started: 2009

Incorporated: 2019


Address: PO Box: 70 31, BENTA Building Street No 104 Dbayeh, 55191 Lebanon

Phone: +961-4541444

Website: Visit

Sales: $40.41 million

Year Started: 2006

Incorporated: 2010

Benta Trading

Website: Visit

Phone: +961 1 511 211

Email: [email protected]

Address: Benta Trading Building, Fouad Chehab Avenue, Sin El Fil

P.O. Box: 55 191 Sin El Fil, Lebanon


Website: Visit

Address: Nahas Building, 1st floor 4 St-Maron Str. / Georges Haddad Av.

Postal Code: 2028 5806 SAIFI BEIRUT – LEBANON

P.O. Box: 11-3063

Email: [email protected]

Phone : +961.1.985571 , +961.1.983395

Fax:  +961.1.985570


Address: Alame Building Damascus International Road Baabda Lebanon

Phone: +961-3580660

Sales: $11.31 million

Year Started: 2012

Incorporated: 2017

Exceling Pharm

Website: Visit

Address: Zarif – Jazaer Str. – Ramadan Bldg – First Floor Beirut – Lebanon

Email: [email protected] | [email protected]

Tel/Fax: +961 1 741 671

Mob: +961 70 611 233

FMPS Holding Sal

Website: Visit

Phone: + 961 (04) 403 410 / 520 502/+ 961 (03) 817 373 / 817 474

Email: [email protected]

Address: Naccash – Talet el Srour – Blue Zone B – Bldg. #10، Lebanon


Address: VG5F+G96, Baabda, Lebanon

Phone: +961 1 546 646


Address: Apt. Number 1201/1212, Starco Center, Block B Plot No: 134 Beirut Lebanon

Phone: +961-1373004

Sales: $9.09 million

Year Started: 2012

Incorporated: 2012


Website: Visit

Tel: +971 7 246 1461

Fax: +971 7246 2462

Address: VGMH+FJR, Beirut, Lebanon

LVL – Lebanese Veterinary Laboratories

Website: Visit

Address: LVL bldg – Industrial zone – Baabdat

El Metn – Lebanon

TEL: +961 4 820361

FAX: +961 4 821359

Email: [email protected]

MDI s.a.l.

Address: VGP5+XP8, Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: +961 1 614 156


Address: Safco Center, Block B Plot No. 2933/35 Baabda Lebanon

Phone: +961-1454102

Sales: $11.31 million

Year Started: 2013

Incorporated: 2013


Address: Mediphar Laboratories, Dbayeh – Zouk El Khrab, Beirut Lebanon

P.O.Box: 60-202 Lebanon

Phone: +961 4 540715/717/+961 4 543715/717/+961 70 108700

Fax: +961 4 542821

Email: [email protected]/[email protected]


Website: Visit

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +961 1 396 000

Address: Badaro, Sami El Solh Street, Jamil Kfoury Building

P.O. Box:11-9073 Riad El Solh

Postal Code: 1107 2280 Beirut-Lebanon

MPC(Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Company)

Address: Airport Road, Al-Kital Street, Joud Bldg, First Floor, Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: +961 1 542057; +961 1 545544

Fax: +961 1 545545

Email: [email protected]


Address: Nafco Inox Building Cite Industrielle Area Baouchriyeh Lebanon

Phone: +961-1497066

Website: Visit

Sales: $1.33 million

Year Started: 1994

Incorporated: 1994

Novo Nordisk Pharma S.A.R.L

Website: Visit

Address: Azar Bldg, 5th Floor, Dimitri EL Hayeck Street, Horsh Tabet, Sin El Fil ǀ Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: +961 1 488 664

Mail: [email protected]

Omicron Pharmaceuticals

Website: Visit

Address: Baabda, Main Road Next to Yaduna Foundation Gemini building, Ground Floor Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: +961 5 922 831

Email: [email protected]

Omnipharma – Bldg B

Address: Badaro 30 Badaro Street Omnipharma Building

P.o.Box: 11-7956 Beirut – Lebanon

Tel: +961 1 396704

Email: [email protected]


Address: Pharmadex Building Damascus International Road Aley, 1107–2230 Lebanon

Phone: +961-25768032

Website: Visit

Sales: $8.08 million

Year Started: 1970

Incorporated: 1970

Pharma Group Holding

Website: Visit

Phone: +961 5 923677 /+961 5 926757 / 8 / 9/+961 3 923983/+961 3 957271

Fax: +961 5 923760

Address: Baabda Main Road,  Alley 7, Pharma Group Bldg. N°15

Pharmacie Des Copains

Address: rue Notre dame de secours, Haret Sakher, Lebanon

Phone: +961 9 642 366


Address: 3rd Floor, Rabbat Bldg., Gardernia Str., Hazmieh – Lebanon

Tel: +961 5 951853

Fax: +961 5 951854

Email: [email protected]


Address: P.O.Box: 90201, Sarraf Building Off-Highway Street Jdeidet-el-Metn Lebanon

Phone: +961-1900100

Website: Visit

Sales: $70.00 million

Year Started: 1987

Incorporated: 1987

Pharma Marketing and Services

Website: Visit

Address: Beirut Al Zarif, Talaat Harb Street, Taljeh Bld.

PoBox: 14-6411

Phone: +(961) 1 360343 / +(961) 1 373186

Fax: +(961) 1 372259

Email: [email protected]


Website: Visit

Address: Promopharm Center, Notre-Dame du Liban Street Zouk Mosbeh

P.O.Box: 47 Zouk Mikael Lebanon

Tel/Fax: + 961 9 225 637-8-9

Email: [email protected]


Address: Near Electricite Du Liban, Hanna Building Assaad, And Adib Hanna Metn Lebanon

Phone: +961-4718087

Sales: $161,621

Year Started: 2008

Incorporated: 2008


Website: Visit

Address: SADCO Bldg. Beer Hassan, Street No. 76,

P.O. Box: 11-4486 Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: +961 1 855 560

Fax: +961 1 856 787

Email: [email protected]

Union healthcare

Website: Visit

Address: Baabda Road, Hadath Lebanon

P.O. Box: 166715

Phone: +961-5-923212, +961-5-924162 ext 306

Email: [email protected]


Website: Visit

Phone: 00963116712508/00963115032

Email: [email protected]

Address: VGJV+C6G, Dekwaneh, Lebanon


Website: Visit

Address: Union Pharmaceutique d’Orient s.a.l.

P.O.Box: 11-0709 Museum Street, Stephan building, Badaro, Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: +961(0)1 387815

Fax: +961(0)1 396047/+961(0)1 387818

Email: [email protected]


Website: Visit

Address: Les Bureaux du Mall, L3, Dbayeh, Metn-Lebanon

Phone: +961 4 521 164 / +961 4 521 165

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Vivacity S.A.L

KEY FACTS about pharmaceutical companies in Lebanon

  • The size of the pharmaceutical market was US$1.82 billion in 2017 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5% to US$2.3 billion by 2022. It is considered one of the highest in the region.
  • Proprietary drugs make up about 50% of the market, and over-the-counter (OTC) and generic drugs make up about 25% of the market.
  • The sector includes more than 100 importers and 11 production sites.
  • Pharmaline has the largest share of the local market with around 40% of the total market turnover, followed by Benta Pharma (32%), Algorithm (15%), and Mediphar (12%).
  • Export activity has recently recovered, with pharmaceutical exports growing at a CAGR of 11% between 2014 and 2017, reaching US$52.5 million in 2017.
  • The main export countries are Iraq (23%), the United Arab Emirates, the United States (20%). , Saudi Arabia (19%) and Kuwait (11%).
  • Imports amounted to USD 1.2 billion in 2017, which is 7% of total industrial imports.
  • The main importing countries are Germany (16%), France (12%), and the United States (11%).

Lebanon’s Competitive Advantage

  • Talented and Affordable Human Capital Base: Lebanon ranks 18th in the world for the quality of its higher education system and 4th for the quality of its math and science education. With its developed STEM curriculum, the country can provide a highly specialized workforce for the pharmaceutical industry. The best universities offer advanced programs in chemistry and pharmacy at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The Lebanese American University also offers a highly selective and internationally accredited Doctor of Pharmacy program. annually with a degree in Pharmacy and are recruited by the local, regional and international pharmaceutical industry around the world7.
  • Access to a Large and Fast-Growing Regional Market: Thanks to GAFTA, Lebanon has direct access to the MENA pharmaceutical market, a market expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.5% (supported by a high population growth rate and growing income). ) between 2015 and 2020, one of the highest rates in the world, surpassing those of the US, the CIS region, and China, which are estimated at 7.6%, 7.3%, and 6.9%, respectively.
  • Well-developed health services: Lebanon has one of the highest doctor-to-population ratios in the world,  at around 31 doctors per 10,000 people, and the highest bed-to-population ratio, at 35 beds per 10,0008. Pharmaceutical sales accounted for 3.4% of GDP  and 44% of total healthcare expenditure in 20189. The country’s well-developed healthcare system, particularly its private hospital facilities, has made the country

Frequently Asked Questions

How many pharmaceutical importers are in Lebanon?

With more than 50 pharmaceutical importers, Lebanon is the main market for imported pharmaceuticals in the Levant.

What’s the market value of Lebanon’s pharmaceutical industry?

The pharmaceutical market in Lebanon is valued at more than US$1.3 billion with potential annual growth of more than 5 percent.

Patented drugs make up about 50 percent of the market, and over-the-counter (OTC) and generic drugs make up about 25 percent each.

What are the total pharmaceutical imports in Lebanon?

As a result, imports account for more than 95 percent of all pharmaceutical products available on the market. According to the Lebanese Customs Agency, total pharmaceutical imports into Lebanon in 2018 were US$1,329 million, of which US$151 million were imported from the United States.

Who are the main import sources of pharmaceutical products from Lebanon?

The main import sources of pharmaceutical products from Lebanon are France (13.9%), Germany (14.25%), the United States (8.24%), Italy (7%), Ireland (5.43% ), and Switzerland (6.88%).

Where do the Lebanese population receive medical care?

A large part of the Lebanese population receives medical care from the Ministry of  Health, which buys medicines from local importers, delivers them to patients, and reimburses hospital bills.


The pharmaceutical market currently comprises more than 1,100 foreign and local suppliers, 11 of which are local manufacturing facilities, forming a well-established pharmaceutical ecosystem in the country.

Manufacturers mostly make their off-patent branded generic drugs, but also manufacture patented drugs under license for multinational companies. These local producers together make up only 11% of the pharmaceutical market in Lebanon.


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