How often should you brush your teeth?

How often should you brush your teeth? Allow us to give you clever approaches to care for your oral health

The teeth are the only part of our skeleton that is visible and needs care in the appropriate ways to keep it clean and healthy.

This part of the body needs extra care and caution as the teeth affect both the health and appearance of a person.

It will be necessary to note that it is important for the teeth to be regularly and properly cleaned through brushing so that food remnants after eating that have glued to the teeth will be washed away; this will make for a brighter smile, good health, and prevention of tooth hole and decay.

The concept of brushing the teeth is dated back over 100 years ago when philosophers and dentists found the ideology behind oral hygiene. Dentists and philosophers found out that good oral hygiene can prevent cavities.

Introduction to how often should you brush your teeth

The recommendation by a dentist is to brush your teeth is twice a day, that is, morning and evening with a minimum of two(2) minutes each time while using an appropriate toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, doing these will reduce the susceptibility to cavity and decay.

Tooth cavities tend to be common dental complications nowadays because people pay less attention to the health of their teeth.

Normally, after eating, there are food particles left in the mouth, when these food particles stay too long in the mouth, they react with the bacteria in the mouth and then become acidic, this acid now takes its toll on the enamel of the teeth which protects the crown of the teeth, thereafter, cavity sets in and if not properly cared for, can lead to total decay and the removal of the teeth.

This is an important reason to brush your teeth regularly and properly.

Brushing your teeth continuously doesn’t mean that they will be properly cleaned. In order to avoid the wastage of your toothpaste and energy, it’s advisable that you brush without leaving any of your teeth untouched.

The Teeth of an Infant is also Important

Even infants and children are not left out! The care given to infants determines how they grow up, the same applies to their teeth.

Assisting them in inculcating good oral hygiene will go a long way in making them have healthy teeth. For toddlers, immediately their teeth pop out of their gum line, assist them by using a very small amount of toothpaste and a soft brush to wash their teeth.

And if they are infants, use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to wash their teeth, and if they will be on it themselves, supervise them so that they don’t swallow the toothpaste and for them to do it properly.

Washing the teeth properly allows the teeth to be free from plaque; this will in turn will make the crown of their teeth stronger.

Children tend to consume lots of sugary foods such as cake, hence, brushing their teeth appropriately will prevent the damage the sugar would have on the crown of their teeth.

They should also cultivate the culture of brushing twice daily, that is, morning and night, two(2) minutes each.

Root Cause of Dental Complications

There are usually reasons for whatever situations and the root cause of dental complications starts from bad oral hygiene.

If you consistently keep skipping brushing your teeth and especially in the morning after breakfast and before you go to bed, the food remnant in your teeth will build up; this will cause reactions between your teeth and the acid from the food.

When this acidic reaction occurs, it affects the protection of your crown. Thereafter, the enamel wears out, then follows cavities and other tooth complications such as halitosis, build-up of plaque that changes the color of the teeth, periondititis, and so on.

What Duration should I visit my Dentist?

Whether or not you have any tooth complications, it is advisable to visit your dentist twice in a year or once in 6 months for dental washing and other treatments that can be detected by the dentist.

This will keep your overall health in place, as there will be early detection of any teeth and other related complications.

It will also reduce the risk of other dental complications as the buildup of food that is glued to the teeth will be washed out; this procedure will give you a refreshing mouth and teeth.

 Guidelines for quality brushing of teeth

You know, it is best to always pick quality over quantity; of course quality pays. On this note, quality tooth brushing can be achieved with the following guidelines:

Brushing the Proper Way:

The proper way of washing involves using not-too-hard bristle toothbrushes and not-too-soft toothbrushes.

Wash your lower teeth by stroking upward; both the inside and the outside and avoid scrubbing your gums. While the upper teeth should be stroked downward.

Thereafter, wash your molar and your premolar in a circular way then move on to wash your tongue properly without injuring your tongue in order to wash all the bacteria that can cause bad breath.

This way, there wouldn’t be a chance for the build-up of food in your teeth or on your teeth, and all the sides and corners of your teeth would have been appropriately cleaned.

Always Use Fluoride Toothpaste:

Fluoride contains minerals such as calcium that can help keep the teeth in good shape, These minerals are locked in the teeth and make the enamel stronger, when the enamel is stronger, the crown of the teeth is protected and then the tooth cavity or holes will be prevented.

Remember, don’t just follow the brand, check out for the ingredients to see if it doesn’t contain harmful ingredients if it contains fluoride, and if it is approved by the Dental Association of your region or country. If all these factors are in check, then use the toothpaste.

Flossing Your Teeth:

Flossing allows you to effectively wash away food and other particles that can get stuck under your gums and in between your teeth. Flossing can either be done using a flossing powder a flossing stick and other flossing materials recommended by the dentist.

When flossing, do it daily and follow the directions of the dentist.

Doing the Mouth Rinse:

There is a special mouth rinse product that is really effective in keeping the mouth clean and in good condition, they usually contain ingredients that make for good breath because they kill bacteria that cause mouth odour.

When you use them, it also supplies your teeth with a lot of calcium to make them stronger and healthy, hence,  preventing cavity and tooth loss in the long run.

Another angle of the mouth rinse is using water to rinse your mouth. If you have ever had a cavity your dentist probably advises you to rinse your mouth immediately after consuming starchy or sugary food and if you can do without carbonated drinks then you should.

When you rinse your mouth immediately after consuming starchy or sugary foods, it will wash away any remnants of the food or drink in your mouth so that your teeth are free from bacteria.

It is important to know that the prescriptions or instructions of the dentist in keeping your mouth clean should be adhered to for your good.

Use Appropriate Toothbrush:

According to philosophers, virtue lies in the middle, so also with the toothbrush type, you will be using. Remember do not use a too hard or too soft a toothbrush, Let it be moderate in terms of coarseness.

If your toothbrush is too hard, it can cause you to injure your gum and in fact, plaque will still be in your teeth because you’ll be unable to properly scrub your teeth.

And if it is too soft, plaque will also be in your teeth because food remnants might not be properly washed out especially if you are an adult.

Basically, when picking your toothbrush use what will make your teeth comfortable, and do not use a toothbrush with a worn-out fray. If your toothbrush has a worn-out fray,  change immediately, or as recommended by some dentist change your toothbrush every 3 months.

To Brush it Up on how often should you brush your teeth

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the prevention of all tooth complications. Oral hygiene can only be achieved through the brushing of the teeth, not just regularly, but also properly as earlier stated. It is best to brush twice daily. You brush in the morning after breakfast; you simply rinse your mouth before breakfast.

And in the night, just before you go to bed, you brush your teeth.  If you have an untreated cavity, that is, before you get fillings from a dentist, you should brush immediately after your meal so that food particles wouldn’t remain in the hole, and bore a wider hole or form tartar that will give you severe toothaches and maybe headaches too.

Keep your teeth clean at all times, visit your dentist twice a year or once you feel any discomfort with your teeth, and follow the instructions of the dentist.


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