Sustaining a spinal cord injury will significantly affect how you live your life. This type of damage can lead to long-term changes in sensation, movement, strength, and other significant body functions. Treating this injury requires lengthy recovery and extended physical therapy.
When you sustain a spinal cord injury due to another’s negligence, you should read more about personal injury law here. You will encounter several challenges, including a problematic health recovery and extensive financial losses, and you deserve compensation.
Regardless of whether you were in a car accident or a slip and fall case, filing for compensation is a must to cover medical bills and other economic/non-economic damages. You can find out what spinal cord injury is and the long-term effects by reading more below.
What Can Cause a Spinal Cord Injury?
While there are many ways you can harm the spinal cord, there are some common causes for this type of injury. The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center studied this matter. The results are as follows: 38.2% of spinal cord injuries result from car accidents, and 32.3% follow slip and fall accidents. Other commonly known causes are acts of violence and sports-related injuries.
When it comes to car accidents, the impact of the collision can lead to spinal cord injuries, even if it is not violent. It is important to note that your head’s position, seat position, height, weight, gender, and whether you suffer from other conditions will contribute to the severity of the injury.
Most Common Types of Spinal Injuries
Depending on what type of spinal cord injury you sustained, several symptoms and treatments can be applied. Although not all cases require surgical repair, all spinal cord injuries cause pain and suffering.
Twisting of the spine, torn tendons, ligaments, and spinal cord cuts are some of the most frequent spinal cord injuries. A heavier impact might cause the discs between vertebrae to compress or slip out of place.
On the other hand, traumatic brain injury (TBI) will lead to long-term rehabilitation due to its mobility, memory, behavior, and cognition issues. If you suffered a broken hip/pelvis, you might need hip replacement (common in slip and fall accidents).
Sustaining spinal cord injuries due to another’s negligence will affect your health, work performance, and financial stability. In such cases, hiring a personal injury lawyer is recommended to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
File a Compensation Claim for Damages
If you decide to file for a personal injury lawsuit, you should first establish liability. The accident’s circumstances play an essential role in the compensation claim.
For example, suppose another driver collided with you due to distracted driving, being under the influence of alcohol or other substances, or speeding. In that case, the guilty party is liable for economic and non-economic damages.
On the other hand, if you sustained a spinal cord injury due to a slip and fall accident, the business’s or property’s owner is responsible for compensation.
Proving that your well-being suffered due to another’s negligent behavior requires solid proof and documentation. Hiring a personal injury attorney might be the best solution for your circumstances. A qualified lawyer knows how to assess the situation and fight for your rights so that you receive the compensation you deserve.
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