6 Best Chiropractic schools in Florida

Before you pick up that form to attend any of the chiropractic schools in Florida, there are pieces of information you must seek.

For starters, the chiropractic schools in Florida have a different academic system from other states. Though some activities might be similar still, Florida has its ways.

Secondly, the cost of studying this course in Florida varies from school to school. While you put the study duration into consideration, also factor in the requirements.

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Since we’ve established that Florida has its academic system, chiropractic schools in Florida still have unique ways they teach this course.

So, as we check out these schools, we will also understand what a chiropractor does and if it’s worth the stress.

Who is a chiropractor?

Chiropractors are healthcare professionals who specialize in helping the body relieve itself through chiropractic treatments.

Their specialty is more on the Neuromuscular system. They work extensively on the spine to bring relief to the patients.

Chiropractors pay attention to the tendons, muscles, bones, and joints and find ways to relieve the stress and tension that has built up in these areas.

What is the job of a chiropractor?

As we already mentioned a chiropractor’s work focuses majorly on the neuromuscular system, but there are other duties required of them.

A chiropractor’s job includes conducting sessions with patients to have a clear understanding of their conditions.

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Also, chiropractors can carry out x-rays and tests on the spine and draw up a treatment plan.

Treatments might include exercises, deep tissue massages, or more intensive treatment depending on the chiropractor’s findings.

For clarification, chiropractors do not prescribe drugs to patients. Rather they use physical methods and bone knowledge manipulations to help the body heal itself.

Who needs a chiropractor?

Patients seeking relief from pain and bone discomfort need the chiropractors’ expertise.

Patients with either back pain or neck pain often visit the chiropractor to help straighten out the spine. Infants with discomfort and tensed muscles can benefit from chiropractors.

Are chiropractors in demand in Florida?

According to research, chiropractic jobs are growing higher at the rate of 20%.

It means that the chiropractic business is making a mark and carving out a prominent niche for itself in the medical and science field.

So, deciding to attend one of the chiropractic schools in Florida will integrate you into the state’s chiropractic business. A position that will help you to become employable and earn as soon as you get your certificate.

Suppose you wish to work outside Florida, chiropractors are well-employed in the entire United States. Annually, there are over 150 job offers for chiropractors in the country.

How much do chiropractors make in Florida?

Florida is one of the states that pay high salaries to chiropractors. The annual salary payment for people in these fields is between $164,000 to $100,000.

Furthermore, some people in this field in Florida earn an hourly rate of about $20 or $80.

As a matter of fact, Florida favors chiropractors a lot, both in academics and in employment.

Chiropractic schools in Florida

  • Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida Campus

Palmer College is categorically the largest chiropractic college in Florida. Also, the school stands out for its academic excellence and practice.

A degree from this school will give you a higher chance of being employed because they ground their students in all the challenges you can face in the line of this work.

Importantly, the quality of your education at Palmer College will match your tuition fee.

Address: 4777 City Center Pkwy, Port Orange, FL 32129, United States

Phone Number: +18665859677


  • College of Chiropractic Medicine Spine Care Clinic

The College provides advanced clinical chiropractic education for its students. This method helps each student to have the in-depth knowledge and skill they need to thrive in the field.

More so, the college of chiropractic medicine believes in creating a friendly study environment that will help its students to develop the necessary leadership skills that will make their careers easier and more fulfilling.

In essence, the school looks out for both its patients and students.

Address: 2081 Vista Pkwy, West Palm Beach, FL 33411, United States

Phone Number: +15612730099


  • Upper Cervical Institute of Florida

Address: 7301A W Palmetto Park Rd Suite 304B, Boca Raton, FL 33433, United States

Phone Number: +15614093594


  • College of Natural and Health Sciences

Speak of rigorous curricula packed with high-quality training. The college of natural and health science prepares its students for the natural world and the challenges facing this field.

More importantly, the school teaches students better ways to handle patients and bring relief to pains and discomfort. And they do this through research and science-based methodologies.

Address: UT University Dr 205, Tampa, FL 33606, United States

Phone Number: +18132533333


  • National University of Health Sciences Clinic

The university is in partnership with the University Partnership Center located at St. Petersburg College.

By the way, there are about 17 other universities in this partnership. The schools use this method to provide education to millions of people in Pinellas county.

Though it is the first of its kind, the education system is well structured to benefit all students.

Students enjoy the interactive sessions with their lecturers and engage in a number of educational programs and other partnerships.

It offers enough resources to adapt to this field while still studying.

Address: 6710 N Pk Blvd, Pinellas Park, FL 33781, United States

Phone Number: +17273413760


  • Keiser University

Helping to relieve patient’s pain is their watchword. The university prepares the students with group learning and traditional lectures and encourages teamwork.

The students at Keiser University merge their classroom learning with clinical training for better academic output. The university emphasizes case-based relevance and evidence-based health care. These methods help them to graduate students who come out as professionals in the field.

Their lectures largely focus on

  1. Spine
  2. Integrated mainstream health care delivery
  3. No longer alternatives and more

Address: West Palm Beach

Phone Number: 18887845355

Conclusion on the Chiropractic schools in Florida

To sum-up this article, not many schools offer this course in Florida. And this is evident that this career path is a competitive one.

Your decision to enroll in any of the chiropractic schools in Florida, must be made out of determination if you want to succeed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take to become a certified chiropractor in Florida?

It depends on your school of choice and specialty. But generally, it takes at least three years to become a chiropractor.

  • Is a chiropractor degree worth it?

The degree is so worth it. Aside from the good money you can make from it, you will help to relieve people’s pains and bring comfort and smiles to so many faces.

  • Is there an age limit to becoming a chiropractor?

There is typically no age limit to start your dream career. Any age can go for this course, graduate, and practice.

  • What undergraduate degrees do I need to go for chiropractor?

Schools have unique requirements for undergraduate courses. However, you can have biology, kinesiology and exercise, chemistry, or general sciences to go for the chiropractor.

  • Is a chiropractor a doctor?

No, they do not have a medical doctor degree, so they are not medical doctors.

However, they are a type of doctor in their capacity. They are experts in working with the human spine to detect problems and draw up relief plans.

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