Mindfulness and Living in the Moment: How to Enjoy Life to the Fullest

Mindfulness refers to the ability of humans to maintain an active awareness of their surroundings, feelings and emotions, and bodily sensations, and to be fully present without becoming overwhelmed or overly reactive.

While this may appear to be a simple thing that we should all be doing all the time, it isn’t (sadly). Being mindful is a gift in today’s hyper-digital world where our priorities are muddled and we are constantly attempting to divert our attention with distractions like social media.

Mindfulness and living in the moment are important because it allows people to enjoy life to the fullest without worrying about things that are in the future or are out of their control at the moment. Being present is thus an essential component of leading a happy and successful life.

Here are some ways you can practice mindfulness in order to enjoy life to the fullest.

  1. Practicing Gratitude
  2. Connecting With Nature
  3. Engaging in Creative Activities
  4. Spending Quality Time with Loved Ones
  5. Disconnecting From Technology
  6. Helping our children become tech-independent

1. Practicing Gratitude

To live in the moment and enjoy the present moment fully, you must practice gratitude. What, after all, is gratitude? According to The American Psychological Association (n.d.), it is a phenomenon, similar to an appreciation that includes a feeling of joy and admiration in response to a fortunate occurrence or tangible gift.

Count your blessings; take note of everything you have right now and be grateful for it. A great way to practice gratitude would be to have a gratitude journal and write all your blessings on it before going to bed. You’ll realize how much you already have to enjoy and live life to the fullest.

2. Connecting With Nature

Connect with nature. You’ve probably heard this advice a lot, but we’re going to repeat it. Return to your roots and enjoy the moment. Nature allows you to concentrate on what is already there and ready for you to enjoy without having to put any effort into getting it.

All of these things—fresh fruits and vegetables, the scent of flowers, the changing seasons, animals going about their daily lives, and more—help you be mindful and fully experience the moment.

Moreover, spending time in nature has numerous health benefits like reduced levels of stress, a controlled heartbeat, and a healthier brain. The best part is that all you have to do is leave your electronic devices at home, step outside, and just, touch the grass!

3. Engaging in Creative Activities

Today, the majority of our activities revolve around achieving financial success, social acceptance, and respect. However, in order to be more mindful and to experience life to the fullest, you need to step aside from these worldly interests for a while and find a creative pastime.

Painting, playing an instrument, or anything else you enjoy doing that is creative can help you live in the moment and enjoy life without thinking about the future. It revitalizes our minds, enhances our cognitive abilities, helps in better decision-making, reduces stress, and ultimately leads to a happier life.

4. Spending Quality Time with Loved Ones

A lot of times, when we are with our families or other loved ones, we are preoccupied with our electronic devices, whether it be by work emails, phone calls, or just the desire to post a story on Instagram and receive likes from others.

But in order to fully enjoy life, you must be present when spending time with your loved ones. Besides, you will only have these moments to treasure at the end of the day, not the distractions. Therefore, practice mindfulness, disable your notifications, and actively engage in quality time with your family and friends.

5. Disconnecting From Technology

It’s worth noting that many of us spend the majority of our time occupied by our devices, whether we’re working or trying to relax. We rarely take the time to pause, disconnect from technology, and reconnect with ourselves.

So, unplug and disconnect for a while in order to live in the moment, feel your emotions, notice your surroundings, and be more mindful. Take a break from the digital world and reconnect with reality. Go for a walk, do something outside of the digital world, or simply meditate and do nothing!

6. Helping our children become tech-independent

Since many people find it difficult to go even a short time without their phones, it is crucial to instill discipline from a young age.

By limiting your kids’ devices and internet use, you can help them develop healthy digital habits and be more mindful. Among the many steps you can take in this case are using your internet service app to set timers and limiting apps on your children’s devices.

For instance, the parental control offered by Windstream Internet enables you to monitor your children’s online activity and block specific websites for them in addition to setting their bedtimes. You can speak with Windstream Customer Service at any time to learn more about it.


In today’s digitalized world, mindfulness and being present have become more of a gift that many of us do not value.

So, before it gets too late,  pause for a moment, set your worries aside and be mindful of what is here and now.


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